Past issues of the eNews are available at
Mahtomedi Public Schools
Past issues of the eNews are available at
Upcoming No School Days
October 7
October 16-18
September 30-October 4: Mahtomedi Homecoming
October 2: Passages Homecoming Sale from 3-7 pm at the Mahtomedi District Center
October 4: Mahtomedi Homecoming Parade
October 10, 15, & 16: Conferences
October 24: Comedy Sports Improv Showstoppers 7-8:45 pm at CFAC
October 27: MPTO Trunk or Treat at 1pm and Mahtomedi Faculty Concert 3pm at CFAC
October 28: MahtoREADi 6:30-8:30 pm at Mahtomedi High School
The Washington County Highway 12 (75th Street) Improvement Project near our school campus will begin to shift into the next stage of construction. Read the details below.
Connect with your child's teachers at conferences in October. Conferences at Mahtomedi Public Schools will take place October 10, 15, and 16.
On September 23, Superintendent Barb Duffrin shared an update with the Mahtomedi School Board about events around the district including the use of the Wit and Wisdom curricular resource and the development of the Portrait of a Graduate. The presentation also included awards and recognition as well as upcoming district events. For more information, you can watch the video and view the presentation slides.
During the late winter of every year, our schools review student interest forms and enrollment numbers and make decisions about the number of sections and courses we will offer the next school year.
Since the spring of 2024 and throughout the summer, we have welcomed many private school families back to our district and new residents moving into our community.
At the September 9 Special School Board meeting, the Board approved closing open enrollment for all grades for the 2024-25 school year (this means no current year applications will be accepted). During their conversation, Superintendent Duffrin shared an overview of our enrollment process, you can watch the video here.
We are now accepting open enrollment applications for the 2025-26 school year.
Our student enrollment includes resident and open-enrollment students.
Open enrollment is state law and a school choice option for families.
Our district follows the law and uses it as one tool to run our district in a financially responsible way.
Open enrollment supports predictable levels of enrollment and staffing for a small district when resident student numbers fluctuate from one graduation class to the next.
When a student open enrolls, in accordance with state law, the state aid (per pupil funding) as well as other aids and federal funding follow the student to the district where they enroll.
The Mahtomedi school community will be celebrating Homecoming the week of September 30-October 4. We hope you’ll join us for events throughout the week of Homecoming. You can find all the details for Mahtomedi Homecoming in one place: and on all the front pages of all school web pages under news. Click here to read the email shared with our school community this week.
The Washington County Highway 12 (75th Street) Improvement Project near our school campus will begin to shift into the next stage of construction.
The next construction phase is tentatively scheduled for Monday, October 7, and on this day, two-way traffic will be reinstated on County Highway 12 between East/Hallam Ave and the High/Middle School entrance. The signal systems are expected to be operational in mid-late October. We will continue to have Washington County Sheriff officers directing school traffic until that time.
At that time, Stage Four of the construction will begin from the High/Middle School entrance to Jamaca Ave. No closures near Wildwood Elementary School will be in effect during this time. The roadway will be a gravel surface during construction, but will be drivable and be two-way traffic. Delays may continue in this area until completion.
Conferences at Mahtomedi Public Schools will take place October 10, 15, and 16. Families are a key partner in a child's education. We encourage you to attend conferences and connect with your child's teachers. Click the links below to access the email communication to families about appointment sign ups.
Wildwood Elementary School
O.H. Anderson Elementary School
Watch for emails from Mahtomedi Middle School and
Mahtomedi High School soon!
A full list of open positions at Mahtomedi Public Schools is available here.
The open positions below are included in our immediate need to fill positions document.
We have an immediate need for support in our nutrition services department. The starting rate is $18.92 per hour. Click the links for hours and descriptions.
We are in need of substitutes for both paraprofessionals and teachers. If you have an interest in working with students, check out our opportunities with Teachers on Call.
Location: Mahtomedi District Education Center
October 14: 5:30 pm Study Session/Special Meeting
October 28: 6 pm World’s Best Workforce, 7 pm Regular Meeting
Our Election Guide contains voting information including registration, early voting, and poll locations, as well as Mahtomedi School Board candidate information. Click here to view the Election Guide.
Each month, our principals share a "Spotlight on Learning" in school eNews. In September, the principal spotlights focused on community.
Wildwood Elementary School: Read the Wildwood Spotlight to learn more about morning meetings and how they help build a school community, as well as the Mahtomedi High School volunteers who support students with literacy activities.
O.H. Anderson Elementary School (OHA): Read the OHA Spotlight to learn more about this year's "This is Me" theme at OHA and how their school community is celebrating what makes each student unique and special. You can also see the community being built in their school through the daily classroom morning meetings and their morning news show that is broadcast via Google Meet throughout the school each day.
Mahtomedi Middle School (MMS): Read the MMS Spotlight to learn more about the people, events, and systems that bring the middle school community together. MMS values partnering with families, and in this month's newsletter, you can learn more about community education, volunteering, and the supports available.
You shared, and Community Education listened by bringing the popular spring Food Truck Friday event to September. The September 20 event attracted over 100 people! The band Run, Lucy, Run performed, Wildwood Washington County Library offered information, and families played outdoor games and activities. Food was provided by several vendors: Sandy’s Grill & Italian Ice, Chowe` Empanadas, and Floyd’s Donuts & Shaved Ice.
After the pandemic, Mahtomedi Community Education started the Food Truck events as a way to socialize and bring community members together. Other community events this fall include the Comedy Sports Improv Showstoppers on October 24 and MahtoREADi on October 28.
September is Minnesota School Board Recognition Month, and we want to acknowledge the vital role our School Board plays in our school community. We are grateful for their commitment and support of our students, staff, and community. We asked each of our School Board members what they love about Mahtomedi Public Schools, and you can view their messages here. Recently, our School Board members received special notes from our elementary school students. Thank you to our Mahtomedi School Board Members: Stacey Stout (Chair), Kelly Reagan (Vice Chair/Clerk), Paul Donna (Treasurer), Dr. Lucy Payne (Director), Ryan Domin (Director), Jenny Peterson (Director), and Maxwell Newcome (Student Representative).
Passages Transition Program ⭐️
Did you know that our Passages Transition Program students collect, wash, and redistribute Zephyr clothing? Over the next week, they will be redistributing these items across the district to students, and families are welcome to the extra items for free at the annual Passages Transition Program sale.
The Homecoming Sale will be on October 2 from 3-7 pm at the Mahtomedi District Education Center. At the sale, you can purchase special Passage-designed t-shirts, necklaces, watercolor cards, new apparel items from Heritage Embroidery, and there will be tables of free, gently used Zephyr wear!
⭐️ Mahtomedi Students Raise $5,000 for Cancer Fund: During the 2024 Pink Out week, Mahtomedi High School’s Student Leadership Council (SLC) raised over $5,000 for the Randy Shaver Cancer Research & Community Fund, which supports the cancer community in Minnesota. Learn more about the fundraiser by reading this article by Aoife Hiniker, Class of 2026 student at Mahtomedi High School and Mahtomedi Public Schools Communications Intern.
⭐️ National Merit Scholars Class of 2025: Congratulations to the National Merit Scholars from the Mahtomedi High School Class of 2025! Semifinalists: John Aufderhar, Maxwell Newcome, and Timothy Schussler. Commended Students: Lydia Armstrong, Benjamin Hammond, Jacqueline Igel, Audrey Roling, Sriram Sureshkumar, and Aida Thiam.
⭐️NASA Launches at Mahtomedi High School! Mahtomedi High School (MHS) is now one of six schools in Minnesota to have the NASA HUNCH program. Recently, students had their first opportunity to learn about the program during a Flex session (a period during our high school day when students can choose a support, social, or interests exploration area). The program is supervised by NASA-approved advisor and science teacher at MHS, Bryan Farmer. Learn more here.
The PTO just finished successful Fun Run events at Wildwood and OHA. Donations can still be made here. The next Mahtomedi Elementary PTO (MPTO) meeting will be on October 9 at 7 pm at OHA. Special events this month include book fair and spirit wear sales at conferences and a new event called Trunk or Treat on October 27 from 1-3 pm. They are looking for High School students, parents, grandparents, families, and local businesses to sign up for a spot (by Oct. 15) and help fill the lot with spooky-fun trunks. For more information, visit their website.
Middle School
The Mahtomedi Middle School Parent Association is looking for donations of beverages, desserts, and paper products for the staff conference meal and volunteers to serve. Please click here for the Sign Up Genius to Donate or Volunteer. For future volunteer opportunities, please fill out the Volunteer Google Form.
High School
Parents at Mahtomedi High School are organizing a dinner from Acapulco and treats from 350 Degrees Bakery for staff on October 15 during conferences. Donations are being accepted via Venmo to @K8Krampe
Lacrosse: Try Lacrosse for free! No experience or equipment necessary. Sunday, October 6th, 2024. Open to students who are in grades PreK - 8th Grade. Click here for more information.
Performing Arts: Check out the Children's Performing Arts' upcoming school year camps and classes. To learn more view this informational flyer or view the website.
Girl Scouts: Join the Girl Scouts River Valley community today and get ready to make awesome memories with forever friends. Become a Girl Scout for $25! Kids in grades K-12 are welcome and invited to join. Financial assistance is available. Click here for an informational flyer.
Looking for Fall 2024 activities and athletics? Visit Mahtomedi eleyo for Community Education offerings or visit the links below for local athletic associations and organizations.
The District eNews contains information about our students, staff, schools, and programs. The District eNews is published once a month. Past issues of the eNews are available at
The next issue of the District eNews will be published on October 13, 2024. Would you like to submit content for inclusion in our District eNews? Email Alice Seuffert at
All families and staff are subscribed to the newsletter, community members or extended family may also subscribe to by clicking here.