Past issues of the eNews are available at
O.H. Anderson Elementary School
Past issues of the eNews are available at
September 26: 4:30 – 7 PM MAEF Zephyr Get Together at Pine Tree Apple Orchard (Rescheduled)
September 27: 8:25 am 4th Grade Choir & PTO OHA Fun Run
September 30: Positive Peers- Blue
October 2: 8:25 am 5th Grade Choir
October 4: 8:25 am 4th Grade Choir, Dress-up Friday: Zephyr Pride Day (Wear Blue and Gold), Mahtomedi Homecoming Parade 4:30 pm & Football Game at 7 PM
October 7: NO SCHOOL- Teacher Professional Day. We are learning more about Wit and Wisdom, our new literacy resource.
October 8-16: PTO Book Fair at OHA in the Media Center
October 9: 8:10 AM Safe Routes to School - Walking School Bus Walk, Bike, and Roll Day & 8:25 AM Student Council Meeting
October 10: Picture Retake Day & Conferences (4-8 PM)
October 11: 8:25 am 4th Grade Choir & Nature Trail Day
Save the Date:
October 27: Mahtomedi Public Schools Music Faculty Concert presented by the Wildwood Artist Series
The Fun Run is tomorrow!
Please sign up for conferences.
Please look over this eNews for ways to be a student or a parent volunteer.
Each month, Principal Susie Prather spotlights learning happening at our school. This month, the Principal's spotlight focuses on Community.
Dear OHA Students and Families,
At OHA, our theme this year is “This is Me!” from The Greatest Showman. We’ve been building community by celebrating what makes each person at OHA unique and special. Be sure to check out our bulletin board showcasing our students as we kick off the school year!
Each classroom builds its classroom community through daily morning meetings. This is a time when the class sits in a circle where they greet each person, share about themselves, play community-building games, and share classroom news and announcements. Students have also been reading the book, Dear Mr. Falker and have been digging deep into the text by working collaboratively using engaging learning routines. There are many other activities teachers are using to teach teamwork and build a strong, safe classroom community.
Our school also builds community through a daily student-run news show, which is broadcast via Google Meet each morning. Students write and present the news, choose a DJ song, give shoutouts, and celebrate with each other. Check out the slides from this week and ask your child about our news. We also had behavior kickoff meetings with all OHA students where we taught behavior expectations and discussed how we can be the best school. Check out the slides here. We've been working hard to be respectful and responsible, and as part of our ticket bucket challenge, we filled our ticket bucket and earned a game day reward for tomorrow.
Look for more community events coming this Fall including:
The Fun Run
Zephyr Homecoming autobiography, parade, and football game
Zephyr time All School Meeting
The Walking School Bus
Nature Trail Day
Veterans Day Celebration
Thank you for being a part of the OHA School Family/ Community. We are proud Zephyrs!
Take care of yourself, your family, and each other.
Ms. Prather, Principal
The Fun Run is tomorrow. Please have students wear tennis shoes, dress for the weather, and bring a water bottle.
Please bring pledges in. Prizes we are aiming for:
$15,000- extra recess
$20,000- candy day
$27,000- movie and popcorn
Every donation goes a long way in supporting our students—helping fund field trips, enrichment programs, classroom supplies, and more!
Ways to Donate:
Zeffy: Donate and share with family and friends.
Cash/Check: Send in your donation in the envelope provided, made payable to Mahtomedi PTO.
Venmo: Find us at @MahtomediPTO.
MPTO Website: Donate directly on our website (note: a 5% fee is deducted).
Thank you for being a part of our community and supporting our students!
Our students earned a game day on Friday because they filled the ticket bucket for being respectful and responsible and giving everyone the right to learn. Please bring a board game to play with your classmates. No electronics, please.
Welcome to O.H. Anderson Fall Conferences.
We would love to connect with you at our OHA Fall Conferences that will be held:
Thurs, Oct. 10- (4 PM-8 PM)
Tues, Oct. 15- (4 PM-8 PM)
Wed, Oct. 16- (8 AM- 4 PM)
Please click here for further details and for the sign-up link.
The Mahtomedi school community will be celebrating Homecoming the week of September 30-October 4. We hope you’ll join us for events throughout the week of Homecoming. You can find all the details for Mahtomedi Homecoming in one place: and on all the front pages of all school web pages under news. Click here to read the email shared with our school community this week.
We have some fun activities to celebrate Homecoming at OHA.
Wednesday, Oct. 2: Autographs from High School students at Recess
Friday, Oct. 4:
Zephyr Pride Day: Dress in your favorite Zephyr clothes.
Back to School Zephyr Time Assembly
4:30 PM - Parade
7:00 PM - Football Game. Please review the guidelines for attending games for students in Grades K-8.
The City voted to change the City Ordinance so that they can put a TEMPORARY stop sign at 72nd and Warner in the next month or so. They will be collecting data to see if this slows people down on Warner.
If you are waiting in the pick-up lane at the end of the day please leave spaces open by the front doors for those picking their children up early. There will be cones in the area to leave open.
Please minimize early pickups as it is busy in the office. If you are picking up your child early please note that all early pickups must be done by 3:20 pm. Any end-of-day changes must be called into the office by 3:20 as well.
UPDATE: Please do not park on the main road or side streets to pick up your child. For safety and traffic reasons, you must go through the pickup lane.
At O.H. Anderson we want our students to do service learning and we try to offer volunteer opportunities throughout the school year.
Here are 3 upcoming opportunities.
Positive Peers: The PTO is looking for students to walk with them during the homecoming parade on Oct. 4 at 4:30. Students will pass out candy and stickers. Families will need to drop them off at the green lot by Wildwood at 4:15 and meet them at the end of the route. Sign up here to walk in the parade.
5th Graders: We are looking for volunteers to lead and support Wildwood students in grades K-2 in Card Sharks. You would teach them card games and coach them in playing. Families would need to transport students to WW after school and you would pick them up at 4:45 at WW. Sign up here to volunteer.
5th Grade Tour Guides: We are looking for volunteers to welcome new families to OHA by leading tours throughout the school year with Ms. Prather. Students can pick up this application in the office if they are interested.
Celebrating our theme "This is ME" in art by making personalized nameplates using the elements of art.
5th graders are learning to play the guitar in music class.
This week's Ticket Bucket Wall of Fame Winners
Follow OHA on Instagram to see more photos of what we've been doing this week!
If you want to celebrate a teacher or staff member please fill out this Zephyr Celebration Form. It makes a staff member's day for going the extra mile. We will deliver the kind wishes to them and we will celebrate how they make a difference in the lives of a child.
The School eNews contains information about our students, staff, and programs. The School eNews is published once a week and archives are available at
All families and staff are subscribed to the newsletter, which community members or extended family may also subscribe to by clicking here.
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