We hope you’ll join us for events throughout the week of Homecoming. As a reminder, children should be supervised during the parade and at the football game. We want Homecoming to be a safe celebration for all of our community members!
Mahtomedi Public Schools
We hope you’ll join us for events throughout the week of Homecoming. As a reminder, children should be supervised during the parade and at the football game. We want Homecoming to be a safe celebration for all of our community members!
You can find all the details for Mahtomedi Homecoming in one place: www.mahtomedi.k12.mn.us/homecoming
and on all the front pages of all school web pages under news.
All week: Support MHS Activities (event calendar and tickets)
October 2: MHS students visiting elementary schools
October 2: Passages Homecoming Sale 3-7 pm at the Mahtomedi District Center
October 4: District-wide Zephyr Pride Day (Wear Blue and Gold)
October 4: Homecoming Parade 4:30 pm
October 4: Homecoming Football Game 7 pm (tickets here)
October 5 : MHS Homecoming Dance at 8 pm
Due to an afternoon event at St. Andrew's Lutheran Church, the stadium parking lot will open to game-day spectators and pre-game activities at 4 pm. No event parking, set up, or reservations will be allowed in the stadium lot prior to 4 pm.
We look forward to a family-friendly homecoming game! Mahtomedi Public Schools, in partnership with St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church, reminds all visitors to our campuses and parking lots that we are alcohol, drug, and tobacco-free facilities. Please note we will have our partners from the Washington County Sheriffs Office present at homecoming events.
You can purchase tickets here.
Students in Grades K-8 must have an adult with them at the event. Grade K-8 students sit with an adult or may sit in the Zephyr Zone. Click here for the information shared with families.
Leave backpacks, outside food and drink, and all sports equipment at home.
There is no re-entry into the stadium. Anyone entering the stadium after halftime must enter the west entrance gate near St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church.
The Homecoming Parade is on Friday, October 4 and starts at 4:30 pm. Observers can watch the parade at the southwest corner of the Yellow Lot tennis courts or along the route by the middle and high schools. Click here for the visitor map.Parade observers may park in the Blue Lot and at Wildwood Elementary (parking is not available at Mahtomedi Middle School or in the Green or Yellow Lots).
Donate your outgrown Zephyr Wear and help ensure all Zephyrs have spirit wear during Homecoming and throughout the year! Donations can be brought to the Mahtomedi District Education Center and left in the donation bins. Need Zephyr Wear for your child? Click here for the form. There are no qualifications or restrictions for those who complete the form. Simply fill out the form, and Passage Transition Program students will deliver the items to each school at the beginning of October.
Pasasges Sale on October 2 from 3-7pm at the Mahtomedi District Education Center: Get ready for spirit day and homecoming by attending the annual Passages Transition Program Homecoming sale! At the sale, you can purchase Zephyr apparel and accessory items from Heritage Embroidery and Design and Passages-created items including a Passages-designed t-shirt. There are also several tables of free, gently used Zephyr wear!