Past issues of the eNews are available at
Mahtomedi Middle School
Past issues of the eNews are available at
September 27: September Birthday Cake Day!
September 30-October4: Homecoming Spirit Days - See below for details
October 2: Custodian Appreciation Day!
October 4:Mahtomedi Homecoming Parade 4:30 pm
October 4: Grades updated in ParentVUE
October 7: NO SCHOOL - Staff Development
October 10: mySAEBRS Survey
October 10: Conferences 3:30-7:30pm
October 15: Conferences 3:30-7:30pm
October 16: Conferences 7:30-11:30am
October 17-18: NO SCHOOL - Fall Break
We have a brand new opportunity for families to support MMS. We have created an Amazon Wish List of many of the items that we use regularly at MMS. If you would like to purchase anything on our supply list to keep us well-stocked, we would greatly appreciate it!
Friday is our first Cake Day of the school year! Every month, the MMSPA provides and serves birthday cake to all students who celebrate birthdays during that month. Students with Summer birthdays are included in the Winter for their half birthdays. GF options are provided. If you'd like to volunteer to serve cake, click here.
MMS is doing a Denim Drive Fundraiser to support our WEB (Where Everyone Belongs) program. Denim donations can be brought to MMS classes between Sept. 30-Oct. 4th. Scroll below for more details and a discount code for some upcycled denim goods!
We have had an amazing start to the school year and I would be remiss not to acknowledge all of the people, events, and systems we have in place to bring our middle school community together. I would like to extend my gratitude to those involved in the Back to School Bashes, Open House, the WEB program, Student Council, our Mahtomedi Middle School Parent Association (MMSPA), Mahtomedi Area Education Foundation (MAEF), and the entire middle school staff for creating a welcoming environment as we ushered our students into the 2024-2025 school year.
Establishing a family, school, and community partnership is an important practice for us at the middle school. We have several ways for families to get or remain involved with life at MMS. Please check out our Community Education website for information about programs available to students and families outside of the school day. Parents who want to be involved in our active MMSPA can contact Megan Reitan at and watch the weekly eNews for a variety of volunteer opportunites. For additional community outreach information, whether you are in need or would like to provide support, please contact Ali Middlebrook at
Again, thanks to the Mahtomedi community for making such an excellent start of the year possible for our kids. We are excited to celebrate homecoming week with all of you! Please keep reading below for more specific information about all the fun things that are happening next week.
Next week is Homecoming week and the MMS Student Council has planned some fun dress days for our students!
Monday - PJ Day: Join us for a cozy Monday in your pajamas.
Tuesday - Twin Day: Find a friend and dress up as twins OR sport your favorite MN Twins gear.
Wednesday - USA Day: Wear your red, white, & blue to celebrate America!
Thursday - Rhyme without Reason Day - Find two things that rhyme but have nothing to do with each other. Examples are: Post Malone & Emma Stone, Golf Pro & "Let It Go", Reader & Cheerleader. Find more great ideas online.
Friday - Zephyr Pride Day - Show your Zephyr spirit with blue & gold and cheer our Zephyrs on to victory!
You can find all the details for Mahtomedi Homecoming in one place: and on all the front pages of all school web pages under news. Click here to read the email shared with our school community this week.
Help us raise money to support the WEB (Where Everyone Belongs) program at MMS by bringing in your unwanted denim (only denim please) during Homecoming Week!
Holes? Stains? Broken Zippers? It's all ok! In each grade, the MSS class that brings in the most denim items will win ice cream treats! Donations will be accepted in MMS classes between Sept. 30th-Oct. 4th. Denim will be upcycled through Park+Coop. Use DENIMDRIVE for 20% off of the types of upcycled products they make with the denim we donate.
The Mahtomedi Middle School (MMS) Parent Association provides a meal for the staff at MMS during conference time. MMSPA is looking for donations of beverages, desserts, paper products, and volunteers to serve. Please click here for the Sign Up Genius to Donate or Volunteer.
Mr. Beyer's 6th grade students have been building and launching straw rockets in Design & Make. In the Straw Rocket Challenge, students need to work with a partner to design and build a rocket that, when launched, will land on a 20 cm. target 7 meters from the launchpad. Students are learning to record data and make observations that will help them understand how to improve their designs, so they are more accurate. Students also learn about how rocket mass, launch angles, and force (air power) can be adjusted for more accurate launches.
During the summer, Mahtomedi Community Education offered several classes in culinary arts. Our teen chefs loved making recipes from Nick DiGiovanni in the Cook Like Nick class. Students made recipes from his cookbook, Knife Drop. Recipes they made included Fettuccine Caciofredo, Compost Cookies, and Watermelon Skewers. They even watched his video about how he became a YouTuber.
Opportunities continue at Mahtomedi Middle School this fall with the popular MMS Zephyr Cooking Club that meets after school. The club is open to any MMS student who loves to cook or wants to learn. No cooking experience is required. Click here to register for the Zephyr Cooking Club.
The atlatl is a spear-thrower that was used for hunting by the indigenous people of MN to increase the speed of their spears as well as the distance that their spears would travel. Ms. Ward's and Mr. Collins' Minnesota Studies classes had the opportunity to practice throwing with the atlatl in class this week.
There are always reasons to celebrate! If you know of a staff member who has gone above and beyond, or have heard of a particularly excellent experience that your student had at school, we would love to hear about it! Click here to submit a celebration form and we'll make sure to take note and celebrate along with you!
Check out these upcoming opportunities to get involved in our school community.
The Middle School Parent Association (MMSPA) is always looking for parent volunteers! If you would like to get involved, contact Megan Reitan at
MMS has an Amazon Wish List of a variety of items that we utilize regularly. If you are interested in purchasing anything on the list to help us stay well-stocked, we would appreciate it greatly!
Community Ed. Registration & Class Descriptions: Youth Enrichment and Youth Athletics
MMS Activities Web Page: Information about all the activities offered at MMS
The School eNews contains information about our students, staff, and programs. The School eNews is published once a week and archives are available at
All families and staff are subscribed to the newsletter, which community members or extended family may also subscribe to by clicking here.
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