Hello Zephyr Families,
Conference time for Mahtomedi High School is quickly approaching and we want to update you on how you can connect with our teachers. Fall and spring conferences offer MHS families the opportunity to discuss strengths, growth areas, and the needs of each student. Conferences will be held on the following dates:
Thursday, October 10th from 3:30 PM-7:30 PM In-person
Tuesday, October 15th from 3:30 PM-7:30 PM In-person
Wednesday, October 16th from 7:30 AM-11:30 AM In-person
To have a conference with a teacher you must register through the PTCFast scheduler. All conferences are in person at the high school.
To schedule an appointment please use the following link: PTCFast - MHS
You will have to create an account to utilize the scheduling tool.
Once you have logged in, choose the teacher(s) you want to meet with, click submit, complete the sign-up form, and submit. You will need to repeat this process for each student you are requesting a conference for. After completing the registration process, you will see the following message;
Thank you for registering. Please check your email at the address you provided. You will find an email with the subject header "Select Date/Time for Teacher Conference Now". Just press the link in the email and you will be able to pick a time slot for the conference. The email may take 15 minutes to reach your inbox. If you still have not received an email, check your spam folder.
Use the link in the email you receive and simply choose the time for your conference meeting.
At the bottom of the form, you can choose to register for additional classes, if you will be meeting more than one teacher, or you can confirm and exit. Scheduling of conferences will open on September 30 and close one day prior to the scheduled conference day.
You will receive a confirmation to the email of record to let you know that the appointment was scheduled. If you have any issues or questions please contact Melissa Burke at 651-762-5843, melissa.burke@isd832.net for support.
We encourage our MHS families to access their ParentVue accounts and speak with your student(s) about their classes. It would be beneficial to include students in their conferences. If your student(s) need additional support, please let our counseling staff know. We have included their contact information below. We have also included opportunities for students to get additional academic support from our NHS (National Honor Society) and through the Washington County Library System. Students can seek out subject-specific help in either of the tutoring opportunities. If you have questions about specific classes, you can access the MHS curriculum grid at this link.
Counseling Staff
Anne Erickson, Students with last name A - D, 651-762-5847 or anne.erickson@isd832.net
Ellen Cole, Students with last name E - K, 651-762-5981 or ellen.cole@isd832.net
Keith Miley, Students with last name L-Q, 651-762-5846 or keith.miley@isd832.net
John Akins, Students with last name R - Z, 651-762-5844 or john.akins@isd832.net
NHS Tutoring - Opportunities to have one-on-one learning sessions and small group study sessions. Talk with your counselor for more information.
Washington County Libraries Tutoring - Brainfuse HelpNow offers live online homework help from expert tutors every day from 1-11pm. All students need is a library card and they can access it on their device from anywhere (computer, phone, ipad, etc.) Students just share their grade and subject to be paired up with a live tutor. This service is free and open to all students K-12 with a library card. Click on this link for information on how to apply for a library card online.
We are looking forward to connecting with you.
Justin Hahn
Principal, Mahtomedi High School