Congratulations to the Girls Soccer Team on advancing to the MSHSL State AA Semifinal! Please see the tournament information below, and you can also view it on We will have an adjusted class schedule on Tuesday, October 29th.
2:30 pm - Tuesday 29th vs. Mankato East U.S. Bank Stadium 401 Chicago Ave Minneapolis, MN 55415
U.S. Bank Stadium will not be selling tickets on site- they must be purchased online. Students: $9 Adults: $14 MSHSL does not have a Senior rate for the State Tournament
Students attending the State Soccer Tournament will be dismissed at 1:15 pm. All students who attend the game are responsible for any missed classwork during their absence. To be dismissed at 1:15 pm, students will need a parent/guardian to complete the special attendance form linked below. Attendance forms must be submitted by 11:00 am on Tuesday to be dismissed for the soccer game.
A fan bus will leave Mahtomedi High School at 1:20 pm for the game. Space is limited and seats are available on a first-come, first-served basis. The bus will return to Mahtomedi High School approximately 45 minutes after the game concludes. Registration for the fan bus is $12 and is non-refundable. Game tickets must be purchased separately. The fan bus is only available to grades 9-12 Mahtomedi High School students.
Pre-purchased online tickets can be scanned at the Legacy Gate entrance.
Tickets can’t be printed, your ticket is your phone.
Online tickets can be purchased by scanning the QR code posted at the game site, but purchasing ahead of time is strongly encouraged. Backpacks are not allowed.
Purses may be searched by security at the gate and must be 12” x 12” x 6” or smaller.
U.S. Bank Stadium is a cashless facility, there is no ATM on site.
Artificial noise makers (i.e. megaphones, cowbells, sirens, whistles, thunder sticks, and other similar items) are not allowed.
Respect the game/contest. Under no condition shall anyone other than the members of the official squad enter the playing surface. No one may interfere with the contest in any way.
No outside food or beverages are allowed.
Spectators are not permitted to bring cameras into League State Tournament venues. This includes both still and video cameras.
No signs or banners may be hung in the facility. Hand-held signs that promote Zephyr teams and athletes are allowed.
Spectators must wear clothing that covers the entire torso. Those who do not comply or who wear clothing that is vulgar, obscene, or in some other way inappropriate, as determined by school/tournament personnel, will be removed from the arena/stadium if they do not cooperate with this behavior expectation.